OPEAM Asset Management Help


Maintenance Schedule - Sign Off Sheets

The Maintenance Schedule - Sign Off Sheets is a report that lists scheduled maintenance to be undertaken. It is designed to be returned from a site visit to the office with relevant information to be added as Maintenance Events to the database (eg. 'Additional Work', 'Cost' and 'Hours Taken' for a particular service).

Access this screen via:
 Maintenance >> Maintenance Schedule - Sign Off Sheets

The report can be sorted according to 'Owner', 'Location', 'State', 'Week' and 'Quarter'.  eg.  Show assets due for maintenance in Melbourne in the 1st week of the 2nd quarter.

Usually when using this report 'Location', 'Week' and 'Quarter' would be assigned to generate a list relevant for a site visit. eg. A maintenance team is going on site to the Fremantle warehouse to perform the scheduled maintenance on assets there for the 4th week of the 3rd quarter.

  1. Select an 'Owner'
  2. Select a 'Location'  eg. Fremantle   Usually a single location is selected so a list relevant to a site visit can be generated.
  3. Select a 'State'  eg. All     If a 'Location' other than All' is selected (eg. Fremantle), it is unnecessary to select the correct state, the 'State' setting can be left on All'.
  4. Select a 'Week'  eg.     Usually a single week is selected so a list relevant to a site visit can be generated.
  5. Select a 'Quarter'  eg. 3     Usually a single quarter is selected so a list relevant to a site visit can be generated.
  6. Select "Submit ".
  7. Assets assigned for maintenance on the Maintenance Schedule are listed in a format suitable to be printed out and taken on site. It is best to print these sheets in 'Landscape' orientation.